1 King’s Bench Walk has undertaken medical defence work since the 1980s and is able to offer strength in depth of specialist barristers who work in this field.

Medical defence cases typically involve representing doctors and dentists before the criminal courts and regulatory tribunals, including the Medical Practitioners’ Tribunal, formerly the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, and Performers’ List Panels.

1KBW Medical Defence practitioners have additionally been involved in Home Office Inquiries, including the case of Dr Williams [following the quashing of the conviction of Sally Clarke] and the related GMC proceedings and appeal to the Administrative Court. Relevant leading reported cases include R. v. Adomako and R. v. Dr Bawa Garba [both concerning gross negligence manslaughter heard in the Court of Appeal] and more recently GMC v. Dr Bawa-Garba before the Divisional Court in 2017.

1 King’s Bench Walk offers a team of specialist medical defence barristers of the highest quality and professional reputation to advise and act on cases concerning medical negligence.

If you would like to discuss your requirements with one of 1KBW’s Medical Defence barristers then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our clerking team who will be more than happy to assist with your enquiry.

https://www.1kbw.co.uk | clerks@1kbw.co.uk | 020 7936 1500 | Copyright 1 King's Bench Walk 2024