1KBW has long been at the forefront of matrimonial finance work and the development of the law, with members of chambers appearing in many of the most important financial cases in the highest courts over the last 20 years or more.

Our finance barristers regularly deal with high-profile cases and cases involving enormous wealth, complex and intricate assets and asset-holding structures, trusts and businesses, both UK-based and offshore. Likewise, we offer the highest quality financial representation to parties of much more ordinary means.

We also have many finance specialist counsel who regularly deal with cases involving trust of land disputes between cohabiting parties pursuant to TOLATA 1996 and also cases involving financial provision for children pursuant to Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989.

One of the best sets in the country for matrimonial finance work
Chambers and Partners


Consistently recognised in the legal guides and at award ceremonies as a matrimonial finance set of the highest calibre, we are:

‘1KBW is ‘go-to’ set for all financial matters, and their range of knowledge, skill set, and experience is second to none.’ – Legal 500, 2023

“A sophisticated set that you can instruct with confidence because there are no weak links. Chambers makes the whole litigation process run smoothly and its members produce probably the best written work at the Bar.” – Chambers and Partners, 2023

Our members have acted in most of the leading divorce and finance cases in the last 20 years, including Potanina v Potanin, White v White, Miller v Miller, McFarlane v McFarlane, Granatino v Radmacher, Owens v Owens, Gohil v Gohil, Imerman v Tchenguiz, Charman v Charman,  Work v Gray, Sharp v Sharp, and many more.

If you would like to discuss your requirements with one of 1KBW’s Finance barristers then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our clerking team who will be more than happy to assist with your enquiry.

https://www.1kbw.co.uk | clerks@1kbw.co.uk | 020 7936 1500 | Copyright 1 King's Bench Walk 2025