Our aim is to provide an excellent service at all times and to consistently exceed the expectations of our clients. However in the event that you do have a complaint, we would like to make it as straightforward as possible for you to contact us and we will endeavour to investigate and put things right as quickly and effectively as possible.
To this end we would ask you to provide us with the details of your complaint in one of the following ways:
Please email our Senior Clerk mbetts@1kbw.co.uk
Please telephone the Senior Clerk on 020 7936 1500.
If the complaint is about the Senior Clerk please telephone our Heads of Chambers on 020 7936 1500.
In writing
Please address your letter to:
Senior Clerk
1 King’s Bench Walk
If the complaint is about the Senior Clerk please address your letter to the Heads of Chambers.
Please provide the following information: your name and address, the nature of your complaint and whom the complaint is regarding.
If you have any special requirements or need any assistance please let us know.
You should be aware it may not always be possible to investigate a complaint brought by a non-client of Chambers. The ability of Chambers to satisfactorily investigate and resolve such matters is limited and complaints of this nature are often better suited to the disciplinary processes of the Bar Standards Board.
Our commitment to you
- We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours irrespective of the method of contact.
- We will aim to reply to your complaint within 14 days. If we find that we are unable to reply within 14 days, we will set a new date for reply and inform you.
- Our reply will set out:
- The nature and scope of the investigation;
- The conclusion on each complaint and the basis for the conclusion; and
- If you are justified in your complaint, our proposals for resolving the complaint.
- Your recourse in the event that you are not satisfied with the responses that you have received
- We make a written record of any complaint. The Heads of Chambers and the Senior Clerk review the record of complaints regularly with a view to making any necessary changes to improve the service we provide.
- It is our aim to make our complaints handling reasonable, fair and proportionate, and to be accessible and responsive to your needs.
All conversations and documents relating to the complaint will be treated as confidential and will be disclosed only to the extent that is absolutely necessary. Disclosure will be to the Heads of Chambers and the Senior Clerk and to anyone involved in the complaint and its investigation, including the barrister or the member or staff who may be the subject of the complaint.
Legal Ombudsman
If you are unhappy with the outcome that you have received you may take up your complaint with the Legal Ombudsman. The Legal Ombudsman expects complaints to be made to them within one year of the date of the act or omission about which you are concerned or within one year of you realizing there was a concern. You must also refer your concerns to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of receiving a final reply to your complaint from Chambers. Full details of how to proceed can be found on the http:/www.legalombudsman.org.uk website.
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6167
Tel: 0300 555 0333
E-Mail: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk
The Legal Ombudsman records data of the complaints it has investigated. That data can be found here.